Reflections on a Team

I’ve had the pleasure of working on a team.  Not a group of people, but a team, a real team. 

Where individuals see past themselves towards the larger goal. 

Where ideas flow - sometimes smooth, sometimes choppy - and collaboration cements new experiments into habit. 

Where feedback is rich, expected, and freely given. 

Where we step in for each other when we need to, and let each shine in the spotlight whenever we can. 

I’ve had the pleasure of working on a team.


I’ve had the pleasure of leading a team.  Not managing a group of people, but leading a team, a real team.   

Where tasks seemingly assigned themselves without my hand.

Where happiness was a value.

Where bureaucracy was banished. 

Where people grew individually, together, and apart.

Where the slightest nudge could result in greatness.

Where great debates on great subjects were commonplace.

Where the team result was more important than the individual result. 

Where the team was the thing, not the vehicle. 

Yes, I’ve had the pleasure of leading a team.